For Veterinarians & Veterinary Clinics/Hospitals
At Treasured Pets, our responsibility to protect family-held pets and companion animals at risk of Economic Euthanasia is paramount. Veterinarians and veterinary clinics or hospitals that wish to collaborate with Treasured Pets have can become a member of our Preferred Animal Care Group, or act on behalf of your clients and complete the application process.
Please note—we ask that all treating veterinarians read through the application process before requesting funding on behalf of clients so that you may become familiar with our funding guidelines. Our staff will depend largely on your professional judgment in determining eligibility for your clients, so you must take the opportunity to review our process. If your clients' application is approved, funding is limited and there may be a lengthy wait for fund availability.
We appreciate your time and consideration in helping us to work with your clients.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at