You are essential to your community. You take care of the animals people love. These are just a few of the benefits a Treasured Pets Preferred Animal Care Group (TPPACG) membership Does For You:

  • Offset Veterinary Prices: Veterinary prices have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation and the cost of drugs, vaccines, and other supplies has increased. A TPPACG membership offers veterinarians the chance to counteract the increased prices in the veterinary industry.

  • Return on Your Commitment: A TPPACG membership offers veterinary professionals a measure of conviction with an organization dedicated to helping animal guardians keep their pets in their homes while receiving the care they need.

  • Return on Your Knowledge: With a TPPACG membership, veterinary professionals have the resources that would not otherwise be available to apply their knowledge and expertise to help solve life and death challenges, provide medical care for animals, and improve the lives of both animal guardians and the pets they love.

  • Return to Your Passion and Empathy: With a TPPACG membership, veterinarians can return to their passion and respond to pet parents with empathy and understanding instead of judgment about pet guardians who struggle with veterinary costs—while providing the essential medical care their pet needs.

  • Overcome Cost Barriers: With a TPPACG membership, veterinarians can work to develop sustainable solutions to help overcome cost barriers to veterinary care.

  • Simplified Processes: Since all TPPACG members are prescreened, prequalified, and under contract, the veterinary evaluation and approval processes are streamlined.

  • Acquisition of New Clients: Because Treasured Pets selects group members over non-members for veterinary care, TPPACG members will acquire new clients more easily than non-members.

  • Prescription Drug Coverage: With a TPPACG membership, qualified treatments include up to three months of an integrated prescription drug benefit, e.g., antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, opioid pain relievers, steroids, antiparasitics, chemotherapeutics, hormones, and other medications used to treat specific conditions.

 Veterinarians, veterinary clinics, or veterinary hospitals that want to be members of the Treasured Pets Preferred Animal Care Group (TPPACG) can do so by clicking TPPACG button below.