Our Services

  • Service 1: Education for Pet Guardianship

    To be responsible pet parents and companion animal guardians, and to help mitigate Economic Euthanasia, each must have a basic understanding and knowledge of four key areas of optimal animal health: 1) Preventive Care, 2) Spaying & Neutering, 3) Pet Insurance, and 4) Animal Health. This program provides all the tools and knowledge that pet parents and companion animal guardians need to help their canine and feline family members live long healthy lives.

  • Service 2: Financial Aid for Veterinary Care

    Sudden expenses often leave pet guardians—particularly those in low and fixed-income households—questioning how to afford veterinary care when there are limited resources and no pet insurance to cover costs. And cancer treatment or critical care for chronic conditions requiring ongoing treatments add up quickly. Without assistance to pay for vet services, guardians may sadly face Economic Euthanasia when their treasured pet could have a second chance at life.

  • Service 3: Resources for Spaying & Neutering

    Spaying and neutering are essential in mitigating overpopulation and the health of our companion animals. Spaying and neutering play a critical role in the relief of Economic Euthanasia. The average lifespan of spayed and neutered cats and dogs is demonstrably longer than those not. Pet parents and animal companion guardians can acquire all the resources needed to spay or neuter their dogs and cats at the lowest possible cost or sometimes free.

  • Service 4: Subsidies for Pet Insurance

    According to a 2020 peer-reviewed study, "Euthanasia of companion animals and pets in veterinary emergency medicine is a common cause of death." Veterinary care, however, leads to the survival of about 80–90% of dogs and cats; but, treatment is costly. Pet insurance alleviates unforeseen veterinary costs and greatly decreases the risk of Economic Euthanasia. This program works with qualified applicants to ensure they receive the ideal insurance policy for their treasured pets.

A Message from the Co-founder and President

While we’ve made outstanding progress since 2021, Treasured Pets still has scores of work to do. The problem of Economic Euthanasia is enormous, and the solution complex — requiring considerable funds and abundant resources. We need your support to expedite the release of our innovative programs intended to disrupt and alleviate Economic Euthanasia. Please help us fulfill our mission and realize our vision by donating whatever amount you feel comfortable with today. To contribute, visit our donation page.

We greatly appreciate your donation, and you'll see the impact of your contribution as you continue to check back here periodically or through our coming newsletter. Rest assured that your donation will bring us progressively closer to completing the development and releasing our programs and services!


George J. Bianchi

Founder, President, and Executive Director