Pet Byte 5: What profession has among the greatest stress, the highest percentage of clinical depression rates, and the highest suicide rates in the U.S.?
We must praise our veterinary professionals for their compassion and dedication to the well-being of our animal loved ones. But, an alarming trend in the veterinary industry caused by a more frightening trend lurks in the shadows! According to several studies published by major journals including the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, veterinarians in the U.S. are three to five times more likely to die by suicide than the general population! Moreover, around 80% of all veterinarians suffer from clinical depression eventually, and about 50% report feeling unhappy in their careers. These figures describe a bleak picture that demanded an intense examination of the underlying factors driving this disturbing trend.
Nearly all the research on the underlying factors fueling these alarming statistics exposed a leading factor among several — Economic Euthanasia! Simply put, it’s the euthanasia of pets due to financial constraints despite treatable illnesses.
Recent statistics reveal a brutal truth — in the U.S. alone, an estimated 2 out of every 3 pets (66%) are euthanized annually solely due to financial limitations, and 1 out of every 2 pet guardians (48%) would consider euthanizing their pets if diagnosed with a condition requiring costly treatment that was economically difficult to pay.
Continue reviewing our site to learn more about Economic Euthanasia and what you can do to help combat and alleviate this disturbing economic dilemma.